Acai Berry Cleanse

So I decided to buy this Acai Berry Cleanse, they are pills and supposedly they help you clean your body and lose weight, I decided to start taking it today, I just took the first two pills I feel fine so far, but I am sure I am going to want to use the bathroom soon. haha. well I hope this works so I can lose some more weight, I also bought my jump rope and I am going to do that today, exercise for maybe 30 mins and see how it goes :). I'been drinking a lot of water too so i don't dehydrate from the detox. I hope it helps me curve my stomach so i don't get too hungry and want to eat a bunch of unhealthy foods. well I hope everyone is doing well and I will keep you guys updated on my diet the pills and my weight loss :)

much love take care

3 words of Motivation:

Brown Eyed Cowgirl said...

hmm if those work I might have to try them :)

JennaReiko said...

Good luck, hope the pills work and don't have any funny side effects. I think I should also get some jumping ropes. That's a good work out.
Best of luck :)

Nasimiyu said...

Acai is def a laxative! i think the juice from Naked has more berries in it than most pills do, so you get more of the effect with metabolism and stuff. I've fasted on the juice before with incredible results

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